We are committed to preaching and teaching all the Bible for all of life… understandably.

Resources for spiritual growth.

  • Sermons

    Each Sunday, as part of our Lord’s Day worship, our pastor preaches a sermon from the Bible, exalting God and making practical application for our lives. We typically go through books of the Bible one section at a time, but we mix in some topical sermons as the need arises.

  • The School of Everyday Christianity

    The School of Everyday Christianity is a video teaching series where we apply the Bible and Christian teaching to the problems, situations, and questions that people face in the course of everyday life. We have problems; the Bible has answers; our job is to help you find those answers.

  • Sound Words

    Sound Words is a podcast offering confessional commentary and application. In Season 1 we are plodding our way through the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith one section at a time. Confessions are tools to help us attain the unity of the faith and knowledge of the Son of God (Eph 4:13).